
Archive for April, 2012

With the Beatles

Author: Alistair Taylor
Kobo edition, $4.99

This book was a test drive for my new Kobo (e-reader) and I bought this title because it was cheap! Poorly organized book, really written in anecdotal style. Lots of interesting bits about the Beatles, but nothing world-shaking. Taylor was with the Beatles from the start, and was their Mr. Fix-it for a long time. He fixed everything – from touring to buying things: cars, islands, you name it.

The Kobo itself is another story. I don’t really like it very much. I have been spoiled by the excellence of Apple products. Start ’em up and they work. Not so with the Kobo Touch. Page slides back frequently. The “touch” required is stronger than any required on an iPhone. I got very frustrated with the Kobo. Eventually I wound up reading the book on my iPhone, where I could speed-read through the pages. I am not thrilled with my Kobo. I was impressed that if I stopped reading on the Kobo, when I went to the iPhone and opened the book in the Kobo app, it started up where I had left off on the Kobo. In other words, the bookmarking was done automatically and was transferred across the platforms. That was a Good Thing (™Martha Stewart.)

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